Target group
All staff who may be in contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers who may become aware of possible abuse, neglect or cyber exploitation. Aimed at individuals and teams with a direct role in working with young people (individually or in a group setting).
Aims and objectives
Explore the potentials, opportunities, uses and risks of ICT
Understand the legislation pertaining to ICT, including the Sexual Offences Act 2003 designed to protect children from sexual exploitation on the Internet.
Understand the legislation pertaining to ICT, including Data Protection Act for privacy, and the Sexual Offences Act 2003 designed to protect children from sexual exploitation on the Internet.
Explore the continuum for safeguarding children on the internet, including risk-taking behaviours and child abuse
Identify tactics used by paedophiles and sexual predators on the Internet
Explore the signs and symptoms of cyber-abuse