Date & Agenda
The workshop will be held on Friday October, 11th. The agenda is as follows:
09:30 Welcome Coffee & Tea
10:00 The global state of Ecommerce, Scams & Fakes, Jorij Abraham, Managing Director Ecommerce Foundation
10:30 The latest trends in Online Brand Protection, Eli Mufisovski, Global Manager React Online Enforcement Program
11:00 Case Study by REACT: combating counterfeit selling in news ways, PJ White, Head of React Investigations
11:30 Group discussion: Your needs to fight counterfeiting in 2020.
12:00 Wrap-up & Networking
12:30 Workshop Closure
Room Christopher Colombus, Keizersgracht 482
It is recommended to NOT come by car (or park your car at Parkeergarage Keizersgracht, Keizersgracht 485).
The workshop is free for retailers and brands. Service providers and others are charged 395 euro excluding VAT. You can register by sending an email to with title “The Future of Brand Protection” and your contact details.